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Will Allen, PhD, author of The War on Bugs; organic farmer, adjunct professor of anthropology and agriculture; co-founder of the California Certified Organic Farmers Organization; founder of the Sustainable Cotton Project; member of the policy and advisory board of the Organic Consumers Association.
Ronald E. Bishop, PhD, CHO, Lecturer in Chemistry and Biochemistry, SUNY Oneonta; expert on the technology of shale oil and gas development, regulation and environmental impacts; author of "Chemical and Biological Risk Assessment for Natural Gas Development in New York" (2011) and "Historical Analysis of Oil and Gas Well Plugging in New York: Is the Regulatory System Working?"
State Representative Andrea Boland (Sanford, ME), MBA, a nationally recognized leader on safe wireless use and author of cell phone labeling legislation in Maine. Boland is promoting the federal Cell Phone Right to Know Act and is calling for changes to smart grid policy to prevent the use of radiofrequency-emitting wireless smart meters and to promote wired infrastructure instead.
Arline L. Bronzaft, PhD, Environmental Psychologist, Professor Emerita, Lehman College, CUNY; expert on noise impacts on mental and physical health; advisor to last four New York City mayors as Chair of the Noise Committee of GrowNYC.org; co-author of Why Noise Matters; Project Panelist on the National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board.
David Brown, ScD, Public Health Toxicologist and Director of Public Health Toxicology for Environment and Human Health, Inc.; past Chief of Environmental Epidemiology and Occupational Health in Connecticut; former Associate Professor of Toxicology at Northeastern College of Pharmacy and Allied Health and former Deputy Director of the Public Health Practice Group of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) at the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia.
David O. Carpenter, MD, expert in electrophysiology, low-frequency electromagnetic fields bio-effects, and radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) radiation bio-effects; current Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment; Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health; member of the President's Cancer Panel; former Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Albany; former Director of the Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research of the New York State Department of Health; and co-editor of The Bioinitiative Report.
Michael Hansen, PhD, biologist and ecologist, staff scientist at Consumer's Union; served on USDA Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology from 1998-2002; served on the California Department of Food and Agriculture Food Biotechnology Advisory Committee from 2001-2002; appointed to a FAO/WHO Joint Consultation on Genetically Engineered Animals in 2003, expert on alternatives to agricultural pesticides in developing countries, on health effects of rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone), and on impacts of biotechnology on agricultural research.
Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, professor of oncology and cancer epidemiology at the University Hospital in Örebro, Sweden; expert in risk factors for cancer from exposures to pesticides, persistent organic pollutants, and wireless devices; author of case-control studies linking cell phone use to brain tumors in children and adults (his work was one of the bases for the WHO classification of radiofrequency radiation as a Class 2b carcinogen in 2011); Chairman, Örebro County Council Radiation Protection Committee (1995-1998); Vice chairman, Örebro County Council Research Committee and Vice-Secretary, Ethical Committee (1992-1998); Member, Research and Educational Committees at Örebro Medical Center; Faculty member, International Journal of Oncology; Editorial board member, American Journal of Industrial Medicine; Partner in EU research project: Occupational risk factors for rare cancer of unknown etiology; Member of Collegium Ramazzini (2003); European Journal of Cancer Prevention Research Prize (2005); Acta Oncologica Lecture Prize (2006); Vice President of European Society of Environmental Health (2006-); Swedish Cooperation Prize (Änglamark) (2007).
Magda Havas, PhD, environmental toxicologist and Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies and Biology, Trent University; expert on electrosensitivity, measurement and biological effects of radiofrequency and extremely low frequency radiation, heart rate variability from exposure to radiofrequency radiation, and health effects from exposures to varying power quality; Advisor, HESE UK (2008-); Advisor, International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS), European Union (2007-present); Advisor, EM Radiation Trust, UK (2007-present); Advisor, Nationaal Platform Stralingscrisico in the Netherlands (2007-present); Advisor, Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Working Group on Emerging Issues, US/Canada International Joint Commission (1996-97).
Deborah Kopald, MBA, is an environmental health and public policy expert who has authored numerous articles and a forthcoming book about electromagnetic pollution. She developed and oversaw the promotion of successful legislative initiatives in New York State, has addressed 35 offices of Congress, and has appeared as an expert guest on television and radio.
Sheldon Krimsky, PhD, Tufts University, professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning in the School of Arts and Sciences and Adjunct Professor in Public Health and Family Medicine in the School of Medicine at Tufts University; expert on the linkages between science/technology, ethics/values and public policy.
David Mortensen, PhD, Professor of Weed and Applied Plant Ecology, former Chair, Program in Ecology, Penn State University; expert in applied plant ecology, ecologically-based pest management and ecology of agricultural fields and assessment of the sustainability of food production systems; faculty advisor to Penn State Community Garden; co-author of Navigating a Critical Juncture for Sustainable Weed Management.
Kathleen Nolan, MD, pediatrician with fellowship in clinical research design; expert in health effects of fracking; former bioethicist at the Hastings Center; Regional Director for the High Peaks office of Catskill Mountainkeeper in Woodstock, New York.
Cheryl Rogowski, 2004 MacArthur Foundation Fellow (genius grant), farmer and owner of W. Rogowski Farm, a Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) farm (alternative to USDA organic certification) in Orange County, NY; developed one of the first Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, an inner-city buyers' club in Brooklyn in partnership with Just Food, and currently supports a CSA for low-income people in New York, El Puente.
Paul A. Rubin, MA, Hydrogeologist and Independent Consultant; expert in groundwater and surface water contamination (30+ years experience); has provided expert hydraulic fracturing testimony before the NYS Assembly and Senate (Albany, NY) and county legislatures; has served as a panel member in hydraulic fracturing forums; has authored affidavits for law firms representing clients adversely impacted by gas industry contaminants; has authored technical hydrofracking reports and Fact Sheets for the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Sierra Club, and other environmental groups in NYS, PA, WVa, and Ohio.
Whitney North Seymour, Jr., Esq.., former New York State Senator and former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1970 to 1973; past-President, New York State Bar Association; past-President, Federal Bar Council; former Independent Counsel, Michael Deaver Prosecution; former Chief Counsel, Special Unit, NYS Commission of Investigation (investigating waste and corruption in NYC government); World War II veteran with service in the South Pacific and Philippines; co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council; past-President, Park Association of New York; former Trustee, New York Botanical Garden; past-President, Municipal Art Society; former Trustee, New York Public Library; Founder and current Trustee, South Street Seaport Museum; former Vice-Chair, NYC Art Commission; former Director, Committee for Modern Courts, Co-Founder, Citizens Against PACS; Founder, Salisbury County Museum; Founder, Small Press Book Center and Small Press Book Fair; Director, Center for Responsive Politics; Director, Public Campaign (advocating Congressional campaign finance and lobbying reforms); Founder, Medicare Rights Center; Co-Founder, Citizens Emergency Committee to Preserve Preservation; former Associate and Partner, Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett; former Partner, Brown & Seymour; former Partner, Landy & Seymour; practicing public interest attorney admitted to the bars of New York State, the District of Columbia, the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.
Mr. Seymour was on the Board of Editors of the Yale Law Journal and is the author of a personal memoir, United States Attorney, The Young Die Quietly (about the narcotics problem in America), Why Justice Fails, Making a Difference, and the co-author of For the People, Fighting for Public Libraries, and co-editor of Small Urban Spaces (about pocket parks).